
Tell Your Story Application



Everyone has a story to tell! Have a film idea that you believe deserves to be brought to life? At WriterBoyFilms, we are always on the lookout for innovative and compelling film concepts. By filling out our submission form and paying a $25 application fee, you can pitch your project directly to our experienced team.

Here’s how it works:

1. Submit Your Idea: Complete the form with details about your film concept, including a synopsis and any relevant materials.

2. Professional Review: Our team at WriterBoyFilms will thoroughly review your submission. We are committed to evaluating each idea with the same level of attention and care.

3. Follow-Up Opportunity: If your film concept catches our interest, we will set up a follow-up in-person call to discuss your project in more detail. This is your chance to explore collaboration opportunities and receive guidance on how to bring your vision to life with the support of industry professionals.

While submitting your idea does not guarantee production, it does ensure that your project will receive a fair and comprehensive review. This could be the first step towards making your film a reality with the expertise and resources of WriterBoyFilms.

Take the next step in your filmmaking journey by submitting your pitch today!
